Every spring GBCA holds a Clarity in Science Award Program for Tumor Biology trainees from all Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Programs working on any type of cancer.  The purpose of the Clarity in Science award is to recognize excellence in communicating research to lay audiences.  Accurate and understandable verbal and written communication skills are critical for successful researchers and the award is meant to promote these skills.

Applicants for the Clarity in Science award submit written lay abstracts to GBCA.  All applicants receive feedback and several applicants are chosen to give verbal presentations to the advocates.  The abstracts and presentations are evaluated and the top 3 finalists receive recognition and a cash award.

We wish to thank Drs. Robert Clarke and Claudine Isaacs and the Breast Cancer program for supporting the Clarity in Science Award, and we wish to thank Dr. Louis Weiner for his support of GBCA.