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Naomi Greenwood
Breast cancer is not only personal to me as a survivor, but also as the daughter of a mother who died from breast cancer metastasis at age 51. Although it is heartening to know of the many advances in cancer research and treatment, there is still a long way to go to control this terrible disease. I am highly motivated to learn all I can about current research and treatment options, pass along my knowledge to the community and to encourage those who are able to participate in research trials. In addition, I believe that more survivors are needed to have genetic testing, results of which can be added to the international pool.
Diagnosed with ER positive breast cancer, December 2002
Lumpectomy followed by Radiation and 5 years of Arimidex
Diagnosed with ER positive breast cancer and Triple negative , May 2018
Mastectomy followed by Chemotherapy and Arimidex planned for 5 years
- National Breast Cancer Coalition Summit 2013 & 2014
- NBCC Lobby Day 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019
- American Association for Cancer Research Philadelphia Conference Poster & Mini Med School Session/ 2015
- Conference Sessions New Orleans presenting Poster/2016
- Member of GBCA 2012-present
- B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1962
- M.S.W. Smith College School for Social Work, 1964
American Association for Cancer Research, 2015 Annual Meeting – The Role of Patient Advocates in Breast Cancer Research at Georgetown-Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (poster)
San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 2015 – Patient Advocates as Partners in Breast Cancer Research at Georgetown-Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (poster)
American Association for Cancer Research, 2016 Annual Meeting – Energizing and Educating to Bridge the Scientist-Patient Advocate Gap (poster)
- Member of Women's Cancer Connection: Kesher Nashim (Women’s Cancer Support Group) Congregation Beth El, Bethesda, Md. 2007 -present
- Director on Sisterhood Board Congregation Beth El 2011-2013 and 2016-present
- Hadassah, Life Member since 1970
- Board Member, Burning Tree Village (BTV), Bethesda, Md. 2012-2015
- Facilitator for Caregivers’ Group, BTV 2015-2018
- Member National Association of Social Workers 1964-2015
- Member Academy of Certified Social Workers 1966-2012
- Member Greater Washington Clinical Society of Social Workers, 1972-present